Comepsa Ltd UK is registered by HM Revenue & Customs with the VAT registration number GB 610 1181 07. The company also holds a Dutch VAT and can therefore trade within the European Community and import directly into the European Community from non European Countries sensibly reducing the cost of importation (VAT, import licenses, etc).
Comepsa Ltd CH can also freely trade within the EU countries but, where needed, having the advantages of being an extra EU company.
Comepsa Ltd AUS is specialized in plastics from and to Australia as well as in the domestic Australian market.
Comepsa Ltd has been able to keep pace with the times, by renewing its structure in order to better meet the needs of its customers. The care of service and the customer relationships remain the cornerstone of its heritage.Comepsa Ltd can offer as well an active organization in a worldwide trading management and a long experience at the forefront of sophisticated and specialized services.